As the world economy improves, the growth is fuelling an unprecedented demand for energy. The demand, in turn, will place pressure on traditional producers who are witnessing a decline in their ability to deliver cheap, safe and reliable energy. Oil & gas production is already moving to unpredictable geographies. Newer sources of energy are being added to the mix. Technological changes like Smart Grids have arrived. Power generation is being impacted by EHS regulations, the need for supply security, rising fuel costs and trading integration. Amidst this, consumer expectations are evolving. Energy generation is in a state of extreme change.

  • Challenges faced by the industry for reporting systems and analysis
  • Multi-level information on High power generation costs
  • Higher Project Cost and hence higher end tariffs
  • Handling Rapid cash fluctuations daily
  • Timely information availability on capacity and utilisation
  • Gaps in availability and generation of running cost reports


  • Related services where ADITYAM is sharing core consulting knowledge to help a client.
  • Power Generation Cost Report

Under this reporting, we integrate all process data with derived values and activity based costing data to generate accurate cost report providing insight in activities where the main operational cost is incurring to control that critical activity.

  • Financial Forecasting with Marginal Costing

Based on marginal profit and cost analysis we design financial forecast based on sales plan including information of per unit contribution to achieve edge over market players.

  • Running Cost with Margin of Profit

With allocation of each expenses and activity based costing, we derive cost drivers for the activity and present that in reporting format to control running cost and attention to critical operation activity from context of cos involved.

  • Distribution and Maintenance of Cost Reporting
  • Actual vs Plan – Monitoring – With one system, one data base in place, we can maximise availability of information to the core level of manager who are running operations to keep them tuned to the planned figure to achieve them and monitor their operations with detailed accuracy.
  • Current Variance Reporting